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Rii Mini Wireless Setofkeys is undiluted for your HTPC, not your Wii (video)
For HTPC owners seeking for the perfect couch-borne computer keyboard, this Rii Mini Wireless Setofkeys looks similarto Natuzzi nirvana, packing QWERTY (with function keys) as well as the touchpad all in the package which should fall to a hand some-more absolutely than that Systematic Atlanta remote your cable association has saddled you with. There’s even a laser pointer, creation it a snap to prove bizarre shapes and black seen on Lost episodes — or to taunt a cats when an episode’s fifteenth p lot turn leaves you disinterested. We’re not sure just what Brando equatesto when it says a thing has “iPhone character,” though despite which we’re fondness it, as well as the $92 $49 cost isn’t utterly vast. YouTube video examination embedded after a break for a doubters.
Update: THE couple of bargain-hunting commenters pointed out that this is accessible for $48.99 over during TomTop. That’s savings you can equate upon, folks!