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Time Warner Wire charity the tubes to AT&T, Verizon

Posted in March 8th, 2010
Published in Uncategorized

Time Warner Wire charity the tubes to AT&T, Verizon

Wired broadband is all well as well as good, but significantly some-more high-speed internet entrance is starting to come around wireless over a subsequent multiform years, as well as everyone concerned — a carriers, the CTIA, as well as the FCC — knows that it’s going to be the technical challenge to encounter that being. Spectrum is asingle thing, though a bytes need somewhere to go once they hit the towers; that’s where backhaul comes into play. AT&T as well as T-Mobile have both recentlypimped fiber upgrades that should significantly widen the tube s joining cell sites to a backbone, though they aren’t going it alone: cable companies see the essay upon a wall, too, and have been looking to backhaul for a profitable brandnew line of commercial operation. It turns out which Time Warner Wire tripled the backhaul revenue final year alone as well as is pronounced to be creation a complicated pull to sign brandnew deals with both AT&T and Verizon; AT&T, of march, has famously had trouble keeping the 3G network humming uniformly in Manhattan over the final 18 months as an unconstrained fusillade of iPhones impact it, so TWC substantially sees this as the clutch opportunity since they basically own a wire market in Brandnew York. For its partial, AT&T won’t plead the backhaul deals — but it’s told us in new months which it has a backhaul advantage over some of its competitors given it operates a outrageous DSL business, so it’s tough to gauge exactly how most benefit AT&T could reap by taking TWC up on its suggest. Rightaway, if Time Warner had some spectrum it longedfor to offload, that’d be an additional matter exactly.


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