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Charlie Miller to exhibit 20 0 day confidence holes in Mac OS X
Contend, Charles — it’s been awhile! Though we’re pleased as punch to see which you’re behind to your aged ways, poking around within OS X’s mainframe only seeking for ways to remotely control a system, snag credit label data as well as download a couple of interoffice love letters which are delicately stashed 15 folders down insideof ‘Documents.’ A famous Apple security consultant is formulation yet another slam on OS X during CanSecWest, where he’ll exhibit no fewer than 20 zero day confidence holes within OS X. According to Miller, “OS X has the v ast conflict aspect consisting of open source components, sealed source third-party components and closed source Apple components; bugs in any of these sorts of components can lead to remote compromise.” He additionally goes upon to reemphasize something he’s been screaming for years: “Mac OS X is like living in the farmhouse in the nation with no locks, as well as Windows is vital in the residence with bars on a windows in a bad partial of locale.” In alternative words, Apple users have been “safer” (due to a lack of work which goes into hacking them), “but reduction secure.” So, is this the weird way of requesting for a confidence pursuit in Cupertino, or what?