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Day in a Life: Kin-less

Posted in April 13th, 2010
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Day in a Life: Kin-less

If we were nearby an internet arrangement terminal yesterday, you might’ve tragically stumbled upon asingle of Microsoft’s Kin promo videos. Sure, a product might be somewhat pompous to the supposed aim marketplace, though a promotional videos have been outright MTV-gone-bad, full of hipster shorthand and feign “reality” pieces. The “Day in a Life” videos are quite gross, featuring a guy upon a road trip to burn a box of mementos from his ex whilst accompanied by his two brandnew girlfriends, the terrifying march comprised of facial hair and Williamsburg-esque terror, as well as the tragically-near-30 cot surfer trying to remember the inebriated night of additional through cinema. Strikes the bit close to home, you contingency contend. So, in box we missed a spots we can check a integrate out after the mangle, though to rinse a palate we’ve additionally supposing the really own “Kin-less” turn upon the judgment, with a help of a Windows Mobile 6.5 handset we only happened to have lying around.

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