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Eken’s $100 Android MIDST reviewed: you get what you compensate for
When you initial speckled a Eken M001 MIDST, you right away favourite the honest inlet. The M001 didn’t explain to be an iPad torpedo, or exaggerate silly specs as well as decades of battery holdup; it was simply poor, as well as unapproachable of it. Now, has detected a inscription is just what you approaching. Running Android 1.6 with the AROUND WM8505 processor, a device is pokey with distressing battery holdup, as well as a 7-inch, 800 x 480 resistive shade has conspicuous loiter. Still, a M001’s tolerably able; consider of it as the digital print support with inscription functionality — similar to a HP Dreamscreen, though affordable as well as battery powered — rather than than a alternative approach turn. Were it straightforwardly accessible stateside, you could see a couple of souls actually picking it up for $680 RMB (about $100)… though really not a $200 Haleron asked for in February. Video after a mangle.