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webOS booted up upon the PERSONAL COMPUTER, only for kicks
It’s always been possible to run webOS upon a PC regulating the emulator built into Palm’s SDK, though it turns out that the OS picture used for a emulator can essentially be installed on an IDE tough drive as well as booted from — that is just what one forward member of the PreCentral forums did with his Dell C600 laptop. It’s not as well surprising webOS can do this, given it’s built upon Linux, though don’t get as well vehement nonetheless; a OS runs in the musty aspect comparative measure in the tiny apportionment of a shade as well as the miss of a touchscreen equates to you’re stuck using the set of keys to navigate. Still, it’s tough not to watch this but visions of webOS running upon all demeanour of HP hardware in a really nearby destiny — the inscription, maybe? Video after a break.