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Apple’s rechargeable AA batteries have been rebranded Sanyo Eneloops?
You do realize which Apple doesn’t manufacture the own batteries, right? Apple, similar to many consumer wiring companies, doesn’t essentially make anything. So where do Apple’s brand-new AA rechargeable NiMH batteries comes from afterwards? We had a guess early upon which Apple’s “brand-new” AAs were essentially Eneloops, long one of the the one preferred brands of modern rechargeables due to their capability to maintain a 75% charge even after 3 years inside a kitchen application drawer. Now the Czech friends over during Superapple seem to have confirmed this after an exhaustive teardown as well as analysis of Apple’s small energy cells. Specifically, Apple’s AA batteries crop up to be nothing other than a 1.2V Sanyo Eneloop HR-3UTG rated during 1,900mAh (minimum). While Superapple couldn’t find any earthy justification linking a dual, the measured performance characteristics of Apple’s AA batteries matched the Eneloops ideally. Knowing this, are you unequivocally starting to outlay $29 for the Apple charger as well as 6x AA batteries when you get 8x AA Eneloops and charger for the same cost? Now mosey upon past a mangle if you want to see a AA unrolled. Fascinating things.
[Thanks, Roman K.]