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Archos 28 Minidroid PMP surfaces during FCC: nonetheless an additional Android-based PMP

Posted in August 17th, 2010
Published in Android

Archos 28 Minidroid PMP surfaces during FCC: nonetheless an additional Android-based PMP

First came the assault of Android-based phones, and then came a pour out of Android-powered tablet PCs. Now, we can all prop for a third vital entrance of Google’s mobile OS, as this PMP outlines the second from Archos alone in a final week. Hot upon the heels of a Archos 32 comes the Archos 28 Minidroid, a petite 2.8-inch (presumed, anyhow portable media player with inbuilt WiFi, Android onboard, a 3.5mm headphones jack, USB connectivity, an integrated microphone as well as the touch-sensitive form of front row controls. Beyond that, a FCC’s database ain’t revelation us much, though we think we’ll listen to some-more as IFA approaches.

[Thanks, Steve]

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