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Droid Does website points to approaching Froyo refurbish for Droid X… though what does it meant?
Just as Paul Vasquez would have us do, we’re doubt a loyal definition behind a extraordinary page which has popped up over during a Droid Does website — a really authentic portal that Verizon Wireless itself has been pulling for nearly the year. Put simply, a splash page sum “great headlines!” surrounding a heretofore unannounced Android 2.2 update for the arguably enormous Droid X. In actuality, we’re even told about all the amazing features that Froyo brings, though alas, the own X has nonetheless to get any sort of presentation from Big Red. The image you’re peering at above was purportedly texted to the tipster from VZW, but unfortunately, a links led to the formerly referenced splash page rather than than the download. Still, we’re guessing which this equates to a bona fide recover is only around the dilemma — Verizon’s already the few weeks late at this indicate, so hopefully a finishing touches have been scarcely done.
[Thanks, Kellen]