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Interactive novella meets interactive typewriter, pilfers a kingdoms of Zork (video)

Posted in October 31st, 2010
Published in arduino
Tags: arduino,

You are station in an open field as common, or maybe you’re in a dark, likely to be eaten by the grue, but the difference aren’t artwork their way into your essence from the informed computer terminal — they’re upon freshly printed paper. Like the player piano, the Automatypewriter lets you play games similar to Zork by automatically keying in letters around the series of solenoids as well as fishing line to discuss it you where you have been, and it annals your input, too; every time you sort “XYZZY” in vain, it’s an Arduino house which sends signals to the content parser, which directs a hollow voice to pity your foolish word. Forget the iPad typewriter — this is old-school. See it in action after the mangle, or strike the source link for the schematics to setup one yourself. Just be certain to implement Planetfall, as well.

Via Engadget


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