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Tip-Slip: Tablet Stylus Slides Onto Sharpie, Bic

Posted in February 16th, 2011
Tags: Onto,

Tip-Slip: Tablet Stylus Slides Onto Sharpie, Bic

After a long time outlaid insulting styluses for capacitive touch-screens, I came around. For drawing and note-taking upon a large inscription shade, they have a finger beaten, erm, hands-down. I staid on the chunky Alupen, though if you already have the the one preferred ball-pen, because not only opt for an adapter tip?

These stainless steel and rubber tips come sized to fit over Sharpies, Bics and Pilot Fineliners. The contriver, Don Lehman, was struck with the thought a single day as he was idly sliding the cap upon and off his Sharpie. He describes the ancestral impulse in his Kickstarter pitch:

I was playing with the cap of a Sharpie, receiving it on as well as off and upon as well as off, just fixating on this cap when it unexpected strike me, “Uh, a cap would be the great stylus.” It was not unlike that stage in 2001 where a apes unexpected comprehend bones could be used as weapons after they hold a monolith. I believe that creates me a ape. After that I was off to a races.

Sure, it’s not utterly in the same joining as Doc Brown’s Flux Capacitor, though it’s close. The MORE/REAL Stylus Cap, as it is known, will price $20 every when it creates it into manufacture. The Kickstarter project has already lifted its $15,000 goal, though you can still representation in if you wish to get a single early, or if you want one of a singular edition coronet caps ($25).

MORE/REAL Stylus Cap [Kickstarter]


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