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Tembo Trunks: acoustic headphone amplifiers

Posted in March 14th, 2011
Published in Main news

In a pinch, you can use acoustic amplifiers, developed by Australians Mike and Scott, Nuri (Mike Norrie, Scott Norrie), made ​​of silicone and able to increase the volume level to 80 dB, which is comparable with the volume level of music, hearing of the motor vehicle from you at distance of eight meters.

The idea for the guys came during a trip to Africa, when they both wanted to listen to favorite songs, but the player with headphones was the only one. And since travel weight and volume of luggage – a very critical parameter, the guys decided to manufacture amplifiers from something light, well packed and still strong.

Silicon has become the optimal material, travelers have created on Kickstarter new start-up project and hope to collect enough donations to run the small batch production gadget.

Donated more than $ 38, you get the right to receive a pair of amplifiers immediately after their release. Plans to issue the pink, green, gray and blue "speakers."


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