
Modded Nintendo Lets You Control Mario With Your Eyes

Posted in August 6th, 2010
Published in Gaming, Geeky, Mods, diy

If you have an aged NES console in a integument you competence be means to emanate something similar to Waterloo Labs who have modded the NES to concede Mario to be tranquil by a players eyes. Check out a demo video after the mangle.

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Modded Game Gear becomes moveable home for N64 (video)

Posted in July 16th, 2010
Published in console

It may or may not essentially be a most compact Nintendo 64 we’ve ever seen, though even if it’s land down a second spot, you can’t knock the skill here. Crafted by one Evil Nod, a self-proclaimed

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New Xbox 360 shows up in a furious, gets unboxed, ripped apart as well as modded

Posted in June 18th, 2010
Published in console

Hey, look during what we have here — it’s a new Xbox 360 that was just debuted the few days back — as well as there’s the lot starting down with this a single which has somehow done its approach

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iPod nano modded to play inside 8-track player, blow minds with palliate (video)

Posted in June 6th, 2010
Published in 8 track

Oh, sure — they’ve a place in history, though a 8-track ain’t got zero upon a jot down player when it comes to retro audio sources. This, however, is no vanilla 8-track deck. The Mad Hacker decided

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GP2X gaming handheld modded with D-pad, PSP batteries (video)

Posted in May 20th, 2010
Published in Battery

These days, it’s a Pandora creation waves in a universe of handheld emulation, though GamePark’s GP2X could arguably be credited with starting a whole materialisation. John Grayson not long ago motionless

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T-shirt modded to let we know when we have brandnew emails, won’t discussit we because your friends have been avoiding we

Posted in March 30th, 2010
Published in Uncategorized

We substantially don’t have sufficient reminders that you’re regularly a little behind, right? Well Chris as well as his mother Madeline decided to have asingle more for themselves: a t-shirt which

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Breeze U100 magically modded into tablet-thing, iPad UI along for a float

Posted in March 14th, 2010
Published in Uncategorized

Are we desperate for an iPad-like device, reduced upon money, as well as prolonged on the enterprise to completely jack up your netbook? Good you’re in fitness, crony, as the renter of MSI Breeze fansite

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Video: Aged Apple Notebooks Modded Into the Snowboard

Posted in February 27th, 2010
Published in Notebooks

Revoke, reuse, as well as, if all else fails, recycle, the aged mantra goes. Though how just can you use reuse the passed laptop? In a video above, two German geeks drilled

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