
Bike Purifies Water with Pedal-Power

Posted in February 23rd, 2011
Published in R&D and Inventions
Tags: Bike, Pedal,

The CycloClean from Nippon Basic CycloClean is a Japanese designed bike that purifies water with pedal-power. Aimed at a developing universe, a bike can suck up, dumpy purify as well

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Promiscuous Power-Socket With Built-In Shelf

Posted in February 17th, 2011
Tags: Built, Power,

This is the Plug Socket, the power-point whose engineer clearly spent a lot some-more time upon the product than the name. It is a hollow which manages to squeeze 3 apart outlets into

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SideWinder, the Cord-Wrangling Power-Plug

Posted in February 10th, 2011
Published in Household

Regular readers will know which I’m the sucker for a nifty twist upon the plain old power-plug, or the clever cable-management gadget. Imagine, afterwards, my joy when I found out

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TI announces OMAP 5: dual high-performance as well as dual low-power cores, inclination subsequent year

Posted in February 7th, 2011
Published in breaking news
Tags: Announces, Cores,

We’re still watchful for a initial OMAP 4 inclination to strike the marketplace, but TI’s formulation forward — approach forward — with its announcement currently of the OMAP 5 platform that unequivocally

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Tiny $150 PERSONAL COMPUTER Fits in the Power-Plug

Posted in February 4th, 2011
Published in Miscellaneous
Tags: Computer, Fits,

Globalscale’s DreamPlug looks to have a build-quality of the $5 card-reader from your local dime-store, finish with ill-fitting cosmetic panels and 1980s utility-chic color-scheme.

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Visualized: a Power Mac G4 time

Posted in January 25th, 2011
Published in Apple
Tags: Power, Time,

What do you do with that once state of a art Power Mac? Well, you could always empty the box as well as supplement a “cheap clock resource,” in a difference of the crony Justin — who emailed us a

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Audi Auto Union Type C e-tron investigate puts your pow-pow-Power Wheels to contrition

Posted in January 22nd, 2011
Published in Audi
Tags: Audi, auto,

Top speed of 18mph, and a range of 15 miles? Charges in usually dual hours? No, this isn’t a prospect of transportation we’re articulate about here, it’s the fondle. A fondle from Audi, of all places.

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Strait Power turbine is water-powered, shark-inspired (video)

Posted in January 14th, 2011
Published in Anthony Reale
Tags: flash, h2o,

The basking shark, with the 5 feet jaw, is one of the many inhuman seeking critters that ever swam a sea. However, it’s pretty much harmless, just filtering out tiny pieces and withdrawal idle dippers

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Mili Power MiFlip re-ups your smartphone battery but a additional container

Posted in January 7th, 2011
Published in Battery

As if we weren’t excited sufficient about MiLi’s HDMI iPhone wharf, a battery powerhouse has voiced nonetheless an additional multifunctional device for re-juicing your smartphone. The MiFlip foldable

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Next-generation Audi MMI Touch dashboard with NVIDIA Tegra-power hands-on (video)

Posted in January 7th, 2011
Published in a3
Tags: Audi, dashboard,

Wishing you could get the small closer to which next-generation Audi MMI Touch interface we saw yesterday, a a single we’re expecting to debut on the A3? Well, you can’t — unless you’re during CES,

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