Opera 10.6 hits Windows, Mac as well as Linux with faster Javascript, WebM video await
Four short months after Opera 10.5, the Scandanavian potato boilers have been back for some-more — the ultimate chronicle of their lightweight web browser features not usually claims to be the fastest,
Intel mulling WebM hardware increase in speed in Atom CE4100 chip
Hey Google, shall we try the other box? Maybe it has hardware increase in speed built in for your brand-new WebM video format? Intel’s Wilfred Martis has told IDG News which his association is gripping
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Google’s WebM video format competence not be so giveaway after all, says MPEG-LA
Google competence be trying to shakeup up video upon the web by releasing a WebM video format as well as VP8 codec underneath the royalty-free open-source permit, but we’ve already heard a format’s
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Google Announces WebM Video Format
Google [GOOG] has voiced the brand-new video format called WebM. WebM is formed on a VP8 video codec which Google acquired when they purchased the association called On2 the whilst ago.
Google launches open WebM web video format formed upon VP8
Google’s devise to open-source a VP8 video codec it acquired when it purchased the association called On2 hasn’t just been a secret, as well as a company’s finally done it central currently as part
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